code: 1431 B.A,BS.BCOM
Q: No. 1
Define the term Computer. Also describe basic five operation perform by the computer.
Defination: “ computers are electronic devices that accept data (input), process that data, produces output, and then store (storage) the results.”
First computer(ENIAC)”
The first computer was called the ENIAC, which was built during World War II (1943-1946). These early computers used vacuum tubes and were very large and only found in businesses, Universities, or governments. Later, computers began utilizing transistors as well as smaller and cheaper parts that allowed the common person to own their own computer. This history of computers and related topics can be found on our history page. A computer system is an interconnected system of components that transmit electronic information between them to accomplish a task given to the computer. Computer systems require several critical components to function, all of equal importance.Hardware component of computer:
The hardware components of the computer are the parts you can see and touch.Software component of computer:
The software components consist of electronic data and programs that give the hardware directions for functioning properly. computers help make jobs that used to be complicated much simpler. For example, a user can write letters in a word processor and edit any portion of the letter anytime, spell check the letter, and move text from another document into the letter, etc. This is just one of the millions of different things a computer is capable of doing. Basic operations performed by computer system :1 - Input unit:
Input unit links the external environment with the computer system. Data and instruction must be entered to the computer before performing any competition. Data or instructions can be entered through input devices, eg. Key board, or any other input devices. Input unit transferred this data into binary coded.Functions of input unit:
i- It accepts data or instructions from external world.ii- It converts these instructions and data in computer acceptable form.
iii- It supplies the converted instruction & data to the computer for further processing.
(2) Storage unit
Before actual processing start, data & instructions entered to the computer must be stored inside the computer. Similarly, results produced by the computer are required to be stored before being passed to the output unit. The intermedia! result produced by the computer must also be stored for further processing.Function of storage unit:
i-It stores all the data to be process.ii-It stores intermeciial results.
iii-It stores final result are realize an output device.
(3) Processing (ALU) unit:
ALU is the place where actual execution of the instructions takes places during the processing operations. All calculations & comparisons are made in the ALU. The data and instructions stored in the primary storage are transfered as where required. Intermedial results are also transphered back to the ALU for the final processing. After completion of processing the final results are send to storage units from ALU. Number of arithmetic & logical operation that a computer can perform is determined by the design to perform the four basic arithmetic operations.(4) Output unit
It is just the viewers of that any input unit it provides information reasons of computation to the output of the world. Output unit links the computer with the external world. A computer prepares results in binary code. Output unit converts these results into human acceptable forms.Functions of output unit
It accepts the result produced by the computer. It converts these coded results to human acceptable form. It supplies the converted to the outside world.(5) Control unit:
ALU dose not know what should be done with the data likewise, output unit dose not know when the result should be displayed. By selecting, interning and seeing to the execution of the program the CU is able to maintain order and direct the operations of the entire system CU doesn't perform any actual processing on data yet it is known as a central nervous system for the comforts of the comonter. It manages co-ordinates the entire system.Q No.2
(a) Discuss the purposes of speech recognition.'' Purposes of speech recognition.''
Its purpose is listen to and understand voice commands to perform everyday tasks. The future of personal computing is the Apple Macintosh of today. Armed with speech recognition software, the Mac can listen to and understand voice commands to perform everyday tasks.
Recognition of voice
The sound of a spoken word creates a specific pattern of sound waves on an electronic sensor device. Computer programmers are able to take those sound wave patterns and match them with their corresponding spoken words.For example, the spoken word "cat" produces a squiggly pattern on a sound-scope that the programmer can match to a database of words on file. When someone says "cat" into a computer microphone, the program matches the sound pattern to the word on file and prints the word "cat" on the computer screen. This is a great over simplification of the process, but it explains how computers can "understand" what you say.
All modern Voice Recognition software titles "teach" your computer how to recognize your voice patterns. A tutoring stage is built into the initial installationprocess so that the computer can learn your manner of saying the word "cat." We all have different accents and manners of speech; this painstaking training time helps the computer software translate your speech into correctly spelled and interpreted words on the screen.Therefore, when you first inch across. The most common sizes are the 3.5-inch desktop drive and the 2.5-inch laptop drive. Measuring of Space Space on hard drives is measured in bytes. Modern drives are measured in gigabytes or terabytes, while older drives were measured in megabytes.
A megabyte is 1,024 bytes, a gigabyte 1,024 megabytes(1,048,576 bytes) and a terabyte is 1,024 gigabytes (1,073,741,824 bytes). . Speed Faster drives mean faster processing. A drive running at 5,200 RPM is standard. If you pay a little more, you can get 7,200 RPM. If you have a server and-'need real speed, you can pay more and get 10,000 to 15,000 RPM.
Q:No 3
Write down the Advantages and disadvantages of "Information and Communication technology
Advantages and disadvantages of "Information and Communication Technology"
Information Communication Technology (ICT) “Information Communication Technology (ICT) is a term that describes types of technology that are used specifically for communications.” It is like Information Technology, but ICT focuses more on technologies that deal with communication, like cell phones, the Internet and wireless networks, among other things.Because of the convergence of the two technologies in the sense that we increasingly use digital data to communicate, a new term has been coined: information and communication technology (ITC). Today we use computers to call, each other and telephones to process data and send emails.
Usage of ICT
The field of Information Communication Technology has taken off in the last decade. Developed countries have a higher use of ICT, but developing countries have made significant increases in use over the last five years. At the end of 2008, the world had more than 4 billion mobile phone users, and close to one- fourth of the world's population had access to the Internet.Utilitarian Objectives
One of the main aims of ICT is to help students to become competent and confident users who can use the basic knowledge and skills acquired to assist them in their daily lives. It is also supposed to prepare students for the world of tomorrow. It aims to help learners to have an open and flexible mind. This will help them to adjust to the inevitable future changes.Social Aims of ICT
It aims to equip learners with the appropriate social skills required to cooperate with fellow ICT learners for a more productive learning experience. It enpowers students who are unable to use this technology outside the school premises by ensuring sufficient access to those students. Through this, it will also ensure equity among all learners, as they will all have the same opportunities to use the ICT facilities in school.Another social objective of ICT is to facilitate good communication between the students, thus promoting better social understanding. ICT aims to assist students to appreciate the beauty and diversity of culture. It also aims to help students become well-cultured citizens of the modern world.
It achieves this as it facilitates the discovery and appreciation of various cultural heritages of different countries around the world. Personal Objectives ICT aims to assist students to grow personally by facilitating different methods of learning. Distance-learning programs are now provided by most colleges and universities.
Many people are using these programs to get degrees that they would not have been able to receive without ICT. It also aims to allow the public to easily access the necessary information over the Internet. Regulations Americans enjoys relative freedom in the use of ICT, but other governments are struggling to regulate its use.
Most recently, governments in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia decided to block features on Blackberry smart phones, which allow citizens to access the Internet without regulation. Starting Oct. 11, 2010, users will not be able to access email or the Internet through their BlackBerrys.
Information Technology
Information technology refers to devices (hardware) and algorithms or programs (software) used to store, retrieve and process data. In simple terms, it refers to all computer applications and devices. Communication Technology In the modern sense of the term, communication technology includes electronic systems used for communication between individuals or groups not physically present at the same location.It is about ways people can talk or write to each other and exchange messages, pictures or sounds. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has a major impact on business operations. Companies are able to utilize ICT to manage business operations from accounting to advertisement. With the rapid development of ICT, it is now possible to conduct more business transactions at a minimal cost compared to the previous era where ICT development was minimal.
Business operators and the ICT department are now able to become innovative and discover new ways to make Information and Communication technology work for them. Information and communications technology refers to a vast network of computer terminals, fiber optic cables and server equipment that collect and present data. Stock market investors are familiar with the stock ticker, which streams stock price quotes between exchange trading floors and numerous data points across the globe.
Media outlets, such as CNN and Bloomberg, present and analyze statistical information daily. Features Communications technology lowers expenses and improves liquidity for the overall market. Liquidity is synonymous with one’s ability to raise cash on demand. For example, stock traders place sell orders with information technology to quickly receive cash for their investments.
Online trading enables smaller investors to bypass expensive financial advisers and coordinate their own trading strategies. Meanwhile, consumers search online for low- priced goods and read reviews to evaluate the quality of big-ticket items. Warning Criminals may exploit information technology to steal your identity and execute unauthorized money transfers and purchases.
Because of this it's important to install antivirus software on your computers to protect personal information.
Q No. 4.
Explain the difference between "ICT" and
IT and ICT are often used interchangeably by those in the computer industry, but these terms are different in definition.
IT stands for Information Technology and ICT stands for Information Communication Technology. These are very closely related, but the terms signify two different areas of study or industry. Most simply put, ICT falls under the IT umbrella and refers to the specific area of IT that has to do with communications. IT IT is the abbreviation for Information Technology, and is used within texts to be concise. IT refers to the entire information domain, which includes the hardware, software, peripherals, and networking.
An item falls under the IT umbrella when it is used for the purposes of storing, protecting, retrieving, and processing data electronically. This is a vast field with many different subspecialties, including networking, communications, and software engineering. IT is an important aspect for businesses and the academic community.
ICT ICT is the abbreviation for Information Communication Technology. The term is used mostly within the academic arena to refer to the branch of IT related to digital devices that are used to communicate or interact with digital information. ICT also draws in telephony and media broadcasting. This term is used to describe a very specific area of IT and is more specific than the general idea of networking.
Training Organizations
Training organizations range from vocational or technical schools at the high school or post- high school level, to a commercial business's internal training for personnel, to computer company or software developer's field trainers who provide on-site training on technology systems, to government-funded training programs, such as those geared to building job- related and work search skills and private. ICT training companies.Best Practices for ICT
Best practices for ICT policies in training organizations involve matching learner needs as closely as possible to available resources, such as budget and personnel. For example, a job training center may have an ICT policy of continuously building ICT training resources or core skills such as teamwork and problem solving.ICT in Health sector Improving the health of individuals and communities, and strengthening health systems, disease detection and prevention are crucial to development and poverty reduction. ICT has the potential to impact almost every aspect of the health sector. In public health, information management and communication processes are pivotal, and are facilitated or limited by available ICT. ' | ICT has the potential to impact upon almost every aspect of the health sector.
In public health, information management and communication processes are pivotal, and are facilitated or limited by the available information and communication technology. In addition, beyond the formal health sector, the ability of impoverished communities to access services and engage with and demand a health sector that responds to their priorities and needs, is importantly influenced by wider information and communication processes, mediated by ICT. IT vs ICT The difference between IT and ICT is the concepts that the terms cover. ICT is simply a specific area of IT.
The concepts covered within ICT are part of the IT industry but not all IT concepts are covered by the term ICT. It is important to remember this when using the terms both professionally and academically, especially when referring to specific concepts that may fall under one term but not the other. Industry Within the information industry, the terms ICT and IT are often used interchangeably. However, the definition of ICT is becoming more specific as the industry moves forward.
It is important to know if the term is being used correctly, as the entire context of an article or text could be skewed. The definition of ICT will continue to grow with the industry, as new forms of communications are studied and developed. his idea can be generally supported by another opinion on the differences between IT and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by e.How contributor Lindsey Mason who generally states in her post that, "IT refers to the entire information domain, which includes the hardware, software, peripherals and networking. An item falls under the IT umbrella when it is used for the purpose of storing, protecting, retrieving, and processing data electronically. Q no 5.write the short notes on the following topics.
Multimedia Projector
A multimedia projector is a compact, high resolution, .full-color projector capable of projecting text, images, video and audio content. Typically the projector will feature inputs for a computer, DVD player, VCR, CD player and storage device.Use Multimedia projectors are used frequently in classrooms, offices and gatherings at which multimedia presentations are made. In a film class, for example, the teacher can integrate select video sequences into a slide show of note pages.
In a marketing meeting, a presenter could alternate seamlessly between spreadsheets, animated ad content and live feeds from social media sites. Synonyms Multimedia projectors are also referred to as data projectors, digital projectors and data/video projectors. These names can apply to both portable and ceiling-mounted units provided that they can project computer output.
Examples: i he Epson 55 2000 Lumen 3LCD Multimedia Projector is a portable LCD unit weighing just under 6 lbs. As of 2010, the unit can be purchased new for as little as $589. The Optoma DS317 2.600 Lumen SVGA DLP Multimedia Projector is another portable design, with a weight of 9 lbs. and a list price of $449.99, as of 2010.
Electronic mail
(Email) Electronic mail, or email, has become one of the most popular forms of communication. Not only does email save time and money, it can also be a great tool for personal as well as business communications. A basic email message is made up of seven parts. Recipient's Address The first thing you need to enter when composing an email is the recipient's address.This is entered before you compose the body of the email. This field is usually found in one of the spaces above the message.
An example of an email address is: When sending a message to multiple recipients be sure to separate all addresses with a comma.
Cc and Bcc
Another option when sending a message to multiple recipients is to use the Cc, or carbon copy, and Bcc, blind carbon copy fields. When using the Cc feature, all recipients can see the email addresses of everyone the message was sent to. If you want your communication to be more private, choose the Bcc and the identities of the other recipients will not be shown.Date and Time Stamp
The date and time an email was sent is usually included automatically somewhere in the message. Subject Line The subject line is the first part of your email that the recipient will see. When entering the subject line be sure to include important information such as what the email is about.If you are too vague or don't include any subject line at all, your message could be mistaken for spam and deleted without ever being read. Body The body is where you actually write the message^hat you want sent.
Your message can be anything from a professional memo to a note to friend or family member. Try to avoid writing too much in an email and keep it limited to one screen's length. If you have a lot of information that needs to be sent include it as an attached file.
Attachments are similar to enclosures in traditional mail. If you have files that you want to share with your recipient's you can include them as attachments to the email. Use caution when opening attachments sent to you as they can contain viruses, and never open an attachment from somebody you don't know.Signature
Some email systems allow you to enter a signature that will appear automatically at the bottom of every message you send. This feature is optional and can be turned off and on as needed. A variety of devices are available that move the graphics cursor to point and draw, each with its advantages. Some point and draw devices are as follow:1. Mouse:
A mouse is an input device that actually looks a little bit like a mouse. The mouse, which has a ball on its underside, is rolled on a flat surface, usually desk on which the computer sits. Usually a mouse has two button and right button, which can perform the following functions:The rolling movement causes a corresponding movement on the screen. Moving the allows you to reposition the pointer, or cursor, an indicator on the screen that shows where the next interaction with the computer take place.
The cursor can also be moved by pressing various keyboard keys. You can communicate commands to the computer by pressing a button on top of the mouse. In particular, a mouse button is often used to click on an icon, a command to the computer so clicking the icon invokes the commands.
A variation on the mouse is the trackball. You may have used trackball to play a video game. The trackball is like an upside-down mouse, you roll the ball directly with your hand. The popularity of the trackball blast with the advent of laptop computers, when traveling users found themselves without a flat surface on which to role the traditional mouse.Trackballs are often built in on portable computers, but they can also be used as separate input devices with standard desktop computers. Many users prefer trackball because it requires less space when in operation.
A joystick is another cursor controlling device. Joystick look like a car's stick shift and are often used for computer games and for screen drawing and design tasks. The joysticks move the cursor in the direction the stick is pushed. Sensitive Screen : The two common forms of sensitive screens are light sensitive screen and touch sensitive screen.Light pen:
A pen is used to input data via a light sensitive screen. The light pen is similar in shape to a ball point pen. When the pen is moved across the screen, its positioned is sensed because of the light it releases. It can be used to draw images on the screen. The images can then be printed, if desired.The light pen can also be used to make selection from a given list of menu items. The selection is made simply by pointing the pen at the selection required and pressing the button on the pen. Pointing device: A touch sensitive screen uses the human hand as the input medium.
The effect is similar to that of light pen on a light sensitive screen, except that the pointing device is now finger. A common use is the selection of items or options from a given list. When a finger touches the screen, blocks out the light emitted from that portion of the screen. The screen then determines which part of the screen is being touched, and therefore which selection is required.
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